
Let us share our knowledge with you to help you keep your business safe.

Exploring Commercial Access Control Security Systems

Exploring Commercial Access Control Security Systems

Access control security systems play a key role in safeguarding places of work, assets, personnel and sensitive information. These systems range from simple keypad entry solutions to sophisticated biometric access control systems. Understanding what these systems are...

UK Fire Risk Assessments: A Guide For Landlords  

UK Fire Risk Assessments: A Guide For Landlords  

As a landlord, you must ensure the safety of your tenants. Part of this responsibility includes conducting fire risk assessments. Fire safety is a critical aspect of property management and understanding the requirements and responsibilities can help protect your...

Fire Safety Guidance Changes, October 2023

Fire Safety Guidance Changes, October 2023

Legislative amendments to Section 156 of the Building Safety Act 2022 will begin to take effect starting this weekend, October 1, 2023 and will affect future fire safety guidance.  These changes will modify the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) with the...

5 Common Fire Hazards to Watch Out for in the Workplace

5 Common Fire Hazards to Watch Out for in the Workplace

Welcome to our blog on "Common Fire Hazards to Watch Out for in the Workplace". Firstly, fire hazards are a serious concern in any workplace. Almost every workplace has access to heat, fuel and oxygen. The main three components of fire. It is no surprise that fire...

Fire Hazards and Fire Prevention 101: Understanding the Importance

Fire Hazards and Fire Prevention 101: Understanding the Importance

Understanding Fire Hazards and Fire Prevention Fire hazards refer to any condition or situation that increases the likelihood of a fire occurring. This is essentially anywhere with fuel and/or heat. Fire prevention involves taking steps to eliminate or reduce these...

What Are A Fire Warden’s Responsibilities?

What Are A Fire Warden’s Responsibilities?

What Is A Fire Warden? A fire warden is an individual who is responsible for ensuring that fire safety measures are in place and adhered to. This is based on a specific location, such as a building, facility, or event. Their primary role is to prevent and manage fire...

Salon Fire Safety Must Haves

Salon Fire Safety Must Haves

Salons are places of beauty, relaxation, and self-care. However, they can also be hazardous if fire safety measures are not in place. The use of flammable materials such as hair sprays, dyes, and other chemicals, combined with heat sources like hair dryers and curling...

Managing Fire Safety Risks In Hotel Buildings

Managing Fire Safety Risks In Hotel Buildings

Hotels are at high risk of fire due to their use of flammable materials and large volume occupancies. Hotel fire safety is crucial as there are many combustibles within these buildings which could cause devastation to thousands of lives. In the past, hotels have been...

Managing Fire Safety Risks in Manufacturing

Managing Fire Safety Risks in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is one of the most dangerous industries in the world. Consequently, it’s full of hazardous materials and volatile conditions. This can lead to deadly fires or explosions. Also, if you’re a manager or owner of a manufacturing facility, it’s...