Fire Protection

Fire Suppression Systems

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A fire suppression system is an active fire protection measure. It consists of a purpose-designed pumping system which uses special gases and/or liquids to suppress fires.

Once the system’s automatic detection devices have detected a fire, the pump is activated. After that, either water or foam is expelled through hoses to extinguish the flames.

What We Offer

fire suppression sprinkler system

Fire Suppression System Design

If you’re looking to have a fire suppression system installed on your premises then our specialist fire alarm engineers can help. Our system design will be completely bespoke to your premise. All our designs are completed in line with British standard and the Regulatory Reform Order (2005).

Designed specifically for your business

Designed in line with British Standards

Carried out by BAFE accredited engineers

Fire Suppression System Installation

When it comes to installing your new fire suppression or sprinkler system we’ll work around you. We’ll book your installation on a day that suits you and aim to install it discreetly with minimal disruptions to your business. Your engineers will be BAFE accredited so you can be sure of a quality and professional service.

Carried out by BAFE accredited engineers

Installed to British Standards

Carried out with minimum disruption

fire suppression pipes
fire suppression pipes ceiling

Fire Suppression Servicing

Our engineers can service any new or existing fire alarm or emergency lighting system on your premises. Working around you and your staff our engineers will carry out all servicing without disturbing the day-to-day running of your business.

Serviced inline with British Standards

Carried out with minimum disruption

Carried out by BAFE accredited engineers

Room Integrity Testing

All suppression systems need to be able to achieve the correction concentration within a room and remain at the level for a period of time. To ensure this, room integrity tests are required to test for leakage.  

Carried out by qualified engineers

Carried out to British Standards

Carried out with minimum disruption

fire suppression testing

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Does My Suppression System Need Servicing?

British Standards state that your fire suppression system is serviced regularly by a competent person. We recommend that you get your suppression system serviced once a year.

What Is A Sprinkler System?

Sprinkler systems are also known as water mist. We use these to distribute very small droplets of water to create the maximum cooling effect on the fire.

These are based on the well-established principles of hydraulic technology.

  1. Firstly, the water is stored in tanks or cylinders and pipes take the water to areas where it might be needed.
  2. Secondly, spray heads will discharge the water in the form of water mist.
  3. Thirdly, the tiny droplets create a large effective cooling surface area of the fire and surrounding volume.
  4. Lastly, the high speed of the droplets means they can penetrate the hot fumes and reach the combustion area. If water is unsuitable (usually due to its electrical conductivity) then a foaming agent may be added.

Sprinkler Systems Work in 3 Complementary Ways:

Cooling – Water spray in droplets of micron size produces a large surface area for heat absorption. Once in contact with hot bodies and gases, these droplets turn to vapour. Finally, absorbing a large quantity of heat equivalent to 540 calories per gram.

Smothering – The water in its vapour state occupies 1600 times more volume than a liquid. It displaces an equivalent volume of oxygen, thus creating a smothering effect. However, if both the water vapour generated and the temperature in the hazard are high enough, the concentration of oxygen can fall drastically in the whole room.

Attenuation – The mist cloud generated in the enclosure absorbs a large part of the radiated heat, thus protecting the adjoining risks.

What Is A CO2 Fire Suppression System?

Carbon dioxide systems has been used in fire fighting for over 50 years. It is generally specified in locations where people will not be working since it is hazardous to humans in the concentrations deployed by fire suppression systems.

Since there are no chemical residues left after use, CO2 systems are suitable for food industries and other situations where contamination is to be avoided. A further advantage is a low cost of refilling the storage cylinders.

CO2 physically extinguishes fires in two ways. Firstly, it decreases the oxygen level in the enclosure to below the level where combustion can be sustained. Secondly, the gas absorbs heat and cools the fire down.

When handling fire protection in small areas we need to take stricter precautions. If carbon dioxide is inhaled it may lead to asphyxia. This is still true even if at very low dosages.

CO2 extinguishants have been effectively used for over 50 years. This is often to protect areas with electrical fire hazards. Transformer rooms, generator enclosures and electrical hazards are just a few of the areas you may find a CO2 extinguisher.

What Is A Synthetic Fire Suppression System?

Synthetic gas fire suppression systems will store the extinguishing agent as a liquid. Once filled the contents are super pressurised with nitrogen. Due to the final agent taking less space in the cylinder any contents expelled will mean that clearing up after a fire is relatively straightforward.

The synthetic gases used are approved for Class A and Class B fires. We recommend them for critical risk areas and occupied areas. This includes computer centres, gas turbine enclosures, power stations and data storage sites. Basically, synthetic systems are installed around the world in a variety of locations.

What Is An Inert Fire Suppression System?

What type of fire suppression system you need will depend on a number of different risk factors unique to your business. Your fire risk assessment will outline these risk factors and inform you of what extinguishers you need and how many. If your still unsure our Fire Protection Consultants will be able to help you.


We work with several third-party bodies to ensure we work to the highest industry standards.

bsi certified logo
bsi certified logo
BAFE Fire Safety Register
Alcumus safecontractor

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